Welcome to my website! I'm Jonathan Gilmer (but I usually just go by Jon).
It's my passion to not only provide developers like you with music and audio that contributes to the overall effectiveness of your project, but I also strive to provide you with a positive, educational, and reassuring collaborative experience.
Storytelling has the amazing power of bringing communities together. It provides us with feelings of inspiration, hope, wonder, and nostalgia, and can also teach us valuable life lessons. It also empowers and enables you to leave this reality for a moment.
I have always loved creating my own stories, from making my own picture books and building ships out of legos, to composing soundtracks and even building this website. For me, music is another way to tell stories, and the one that I happen to identify with the most.
Through playing video games, visiting theme parks, and watching films, I realized that when you work together with other people who have other storytelling abilities, you have the potential to create a life-changing story. That's why I desire to be a part of a team that can create life-changing experiences that help people, and become a part of their lives.